Meet the Buchanan family. We have gone to church with the Buchanan family for over 20 years. My Dad became the minister at Brad’s church when we moved here from Ohio when I was 16. We still go to church with them and Brad is now an Elder in our congregation! I have seen both their boys grow up from birth. Age wise, our daughter Grace is right in between Davis and Mitch so we have lots in common with them. I know I say this a lot but they feel just like family to me. God blessed this couple with a beautiful home and several acres of land a few years ago. Ever since then, they have hosted countless activities for our church. When I think of Brad and Buffie, hospitality is what comes to my mind. Buffie started hosting our ladies Bible study twice per month at her kitchen table. They have had the youth at our church over for games of kickball , roasting Smores and my personal favorite is the fall festival. Our church is getting ready to have our Second Annual Fall Festival at their home this week. Brad and Buffie are always very gracious hosts.
What better place than their yard to do their Fall Portrait Session. Their yard is quite large and Buffie is able to raise chickens there. She has the funniest names for them. Betty, Esther, Gertrude, Dot, etc. Makes me think of the “Golden Girls” on TV. Anyone one who knows Buffie, know that her chickens are her “thing”. So of course we had to get some pictures of Buffie with her “Chicks”. I think this sign really says it all! FAMILY AND FRIENDS GATHER HERE. They are very gracious hosts.
Davis has always been such a kind gentle kiddo.
Mitch is larger than life and always has an idea. I think he may be a natural at this posing thing!
They love to have FUN! They were playing a joke on me in this pic rubbing their bellies. I thought is was so funny I had to share .
Just a girl and her chick! Buffie and Betty(the chicken).
I had a blast taking these pictures for ya’ll. I love your sweet family!
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