This entire family is close to my heart. James and Mildred and their two children Brad and Amanda were the first family I met when we moved to Morganton, North Carolina 25 years ago from Ohio. My dad moved us to NC to become the minister at their church when I was 16 and if I remember correctly Amanda was only 7! My mom used to babysit Amanda in the summers,so she spent alot of time at our house. I guess in a way she has was the closest thing I had to a baby sister! Now Amanda is married to Brooks and Brad is married to Buffie and they have two awesome boys. We all still go to church together and our kids have been raised in church together. Now our kids are in the same high school and band together. James retired from the Police department and is well known here in Morganton. Everyone knows and respects James. He is one of the most giving people I have ever met and would do anything in the world for you. I really think he would give you the shirt right off his back. We all know that if we ever needed anything we could call James Buchanan and he would be right there to help us! Actually, the entire family is that way. Mildred is one of the best cooks I know and she gives so much of her time and talents helping others. She never asks anything in return. She is such a hardworking, humble lady.
Amanda approached me back before Christmas and purchased the most thoughtful gift from me. A gift certificate for portraits of the entire family to give to Mildred! As a photographer and mother myself, I could not think of a gift that I would love and cherish more! I know I have talked in some of my previous posts about buying less material gifts and giving more “experiences” that create happy memories. Most times you can’t even remember what gift you got last Christmas or birthday. I guarantee Mildred will remember this gift for years and years to come! Every time she looks at these portraits on her walls, she will remember all the precious moments and memories shared with her family she loves so much. Amanda, this was a perfect gift idea! I may even steal it from you! Mildred and James and their two grown kids, Brad and Amanda.
Brad and his wife Buffie, Amanda and her husband Brooks.
Brad and Buffie and their two boys.
Amanda and her two nephews.
To this amazing family, I hope you always know how blessed you are to have each other. Amanda, THANK YOU for realizing the importance of this and making this happen for your sweet Mama. I know I feel blessed for this family to be in our lives.
All the best!
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