2018 Christmas Mini Sessions|Morganton, NC

This was the first time I have ever offered mini sessions!  I had so much fun doing them!  Thank you to my families and couples who participated this year.    My first session was with Casey and Ryan and their two little boys Eli and Baylor.  Casey and I have worked for the same company for years and I met her not long after she and Ryan got married.    She now is a mama of two boys!!!  Casey had her boys looking great and those little guys just adore her!! Especially the youngest, Baylor.  He is really attached to his mama!   Eli is so smart and funny.  I told him I would give him a surprise (M&M’s) at the end of the session and he immediately replied,  he didn’t need one.   Well I guess he cannot be bought!  Casey and Ryan, I don’t think you have to worry about him falling into tempation any time soon!   These brothers are so sweet and,  as you can see  in theses images, they just love each other!  Ryan was such a patient guy through all this.   We all know most men don’t LOVE getting pictures done but you know they got to make their wives happy!  Ryan was great! Never heard one complaint!! Thanks Ryan! 2018-11-19_00212018-11-19_0019The one of Baylor on Ryan’s shoulders is one of my favorites!  SO sweet loving his daddy.2018-11-19_00242018-11-19_00182018-11-19_00152018-11-19_00172018-11-19_00232018-11-19_00162018-11-19_00132018-11-19_0020John and Breana are engaged and getting Married in May!  They are going on a cruise for their honeymoon and it sounds amazing!!  I’m like 85% happy for them and like 15% jealous!    Just Kidding!  I am very happy for them.  Breana and I go way back.  We used to live in the same subdivision in high school and had mutual friends.  Then we ended up working together years later. She has always been so sweet!  I think she found someone just as sweet as she is! I loved working with them.   Their laughter was so genuine and fun!  I wish them all the best. 2018-11-19_00572018-11-19_00582018-11-19_00602018-11-19_00512018-11-19_00552018-11-19_00522018-11-19_00532018-11-19_00502018-11-19_0042Meet Sydney and Tyler.  I found out really fast that these two are completely comfortable in front of the camera.  I called them “little models”.  I didn’t actually meet them until our session but I feel like we are old friends. They both laugh alot and have alot of fun and you know I love laughter!  They are just the cutest couple together.   Can you believe they have been dating 5 years?!!2018-11-19_00322018-11-19_00342018-11-19_00352018-11-19_00312018-11-19_00362018-11-19_00332018-11-19_00272018-11-19_00292018-11-19_00282018-11-19_0030So that is a glimpse of the Christmas Mini Sessions.  I hope to offer these more in the future.  Its a perfect way to keep your portraits up to date and done quickly.  Again, thank you to all who participated this year.  I feel blessed to meet and work with such wonderful people.  I wish you all a happy and joyful Christmas Season!


  1. julianamturner says:

    These are so good!!

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