Melanie is such a sweet friend of mine. Our daughters have been friend since 6th grade and it’s through our daughters that we became friends. We look out for one another and for our girls. Melanie and Roger wanted some family portraits of their own, but it was also important to them to have some extended family portraits made. You see, last year Roger lost his stepdad before they had the chance to get family portraits made with him. When you go through a loss like that you really see the importance of making an extra effort to make family pictures a priority.
Every family should do this! Make your family pictures a priority. Don’t wait for the perfect time, because you know what? THERE IS NEVER A PERFECT TIME! Moms and Dads, your kids want you in the picture! Throw away your insecurities! So you aren’t photogenic! Who cares? So you don’t have the perfect outfit? Who cares? So you need to lose some weight? The kids don’t care! All they care about is YOU being in the picture so they can remeber YOU being part of their life and childhood! My family teases me that I take too many pictures of everything and YES that may be true. But this is why….. A picture lasts . It stays with you and is SOOO much more than a picture. It’s a memory. I want to remember every minute of this life and so should you! Every day we live is a gift from God.
So this session was of Roger, Melanie and their daughter, Jessie. They also included Roger’s mom, sisters (Roger is the baby boy), brother in law, Roger’s Dad, stepmom and step brother in this session. It takes effort to get a family together so I could tell it was important to them. I think thats what made this session extra special to me. Melanie, Jessie and Roger.
Roger’s mom.
Roger and his sisters. He is the baby boy!
Roger’s sister and her husband.
Roger’s Dad and Stepmom.
Roger and Melanie I hope these images are ones you will cherish for years to come!
All the best!
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